EFI Population Genetics (EFI-PG)

This working group of the EFI Scientific Committee runs officially since May 2013 (27th EFI Conference, Maastricht). Its primary objective is to provide guidelines and tools for HLA population data analysis, and to characterise in detail the HLA molecular diversity of populations from Europe and neighbouring areas. It is the long-term continuation of the EU-funded HLA-NET group.

The first achievement of the EFI Population Genetics working group is the publication of a review paper presenting the new HLA-net platform including the Gene[rate] computer pipeline, the Gene[va] database, and the first complete report on the HLA molecular diversity in Europe, North Africa and West Asia.

The EFI Population Genetics working group is open to all researchers interested by HLA population data analysis. The report of the 1st EFI-PG core meeting will be published in the next EFI Newsletter (June 2014). The operating rules of the group will be presented during an Open Meeting held on June 25th 2014 (14h, Room 34/35 – Level 3) at the 28th EFI Conference in Stockholm.

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