2a) Locus typed: Please select…A B C DMA DMB DOA DOB DPA1 DPB1 DQA1 DQB1 DRA DRB1 DRB2 DRB3 DRB4 DRB5 DRB6 DRB7 DRB8 DRB9 E F G H J K L MICA MICB notyped P TAP1 TAP2 V Y
If Other, please specify:
2b) Method: Please select…bi-allelic SBT SBT SSO SSP unknown
For SSO or SBT specify exon(s) typed
2c) Platform:
2d) Software:
2e) Kit:
2f) Resolution Level: Please select…Full-sequence Allelic High Intermediate Low
2g) Start:
2h) End:
2i) Reference date or IMGT/HLA-database version used to assign HLA Types:
2j) Number of individuals typed for the locus:
2k) Comment: