Gene[rate] Tools

Tools for handling and analysing data with ambiguities

These programs expect plain text files in UNIFORMAT v3 as input. A download link to the results file is provided once the execution is completed (on screen and/or by email). Read more about these tools (and see examples of input files) in the usage overview.

Please note that the results files are deleted after 48 hours, therefore if you have not saved your results file you have to run the programs again.

File conversions

Converts data files from different formats (tabulated, columnar, pdf files of Luminex reports, Arlequin projects) into UNIFORMAT, and vice versa.

Launch File conversions


Checks UNIFORMAT files for formating errors and performs automatic translations of allele and haplotype names (new nomenclature, expansion of valid abbreviations,..).

Launch Uniformate

Basic statistics

Provides all the basic statistics for one and two-locus, including allele and haplotype frequencies, tests for Hardy-Weinberg, neutrality and linkage disequilibrium, and graphs.

Launch Basic statistics

Haplotype frequency estimation

Calculates multi–locus haplotype frequencies (two or more loci) or allele frequencies under two alternative models (either Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium or inbreeding–like).

Launch frequency estimation

Family phaser

Establishes haplotype phase for family data. Input is UNIFORMAT file with a modified identifier. There are no limits on the number of families included in each file.

Launch Family phaser


Calculates phenotypes from probe lists and reactivity data and returns a UNIFORMAT file.

Launch Phenotype

CWD viewer

Status and extended information from the EFI common and well-documented catalog.

Launch CWD viewer

Regional analysis

Performs genetic comparisons of multiple population samples from selected world regions by means of non-metrical mutidimensional scaling (NMDS) analyses.

Launch Regional analysis

Charts & maps

Provides frequency charts and maps for specific alleles or haplotypes in selected world regions.

Launch Charts & maps

Binding and population diversity new

Tools to interactively explore binding and population diversity.

Launch Binding and population diversity


Make haplotype lists from phenotype uniformat files.

Launch Haplotyper