
When wrong is right

When developing complex applications, such as HLA-net, it is tempting to make everything alike, to the point were rational thinking is erased with copy-modify. The funny is that, sometimes, the system itself (the program, the web application) reacts and generates bugs. Then you can correct them. Or you can read them, and think twice, and see that the bug is not a bug.

What follows is part of an email exchange among the HLA-net core developpers.

>>> 3. ces valeurs ne sont pas encore remises à zéro après la soumission
>>> -> si vous revenez sur le formulaire, les champs sont toujours complétés
> Peut-être que cette remise à zéro n’est pas nécessaire. Si un utilisateur revient souvent, dans un court temps, sur cette même page, il est possible que la plupart des données soient identiques (identification, éthique. méthodes de typage, type d’étude. ,,,). C’est donc plutôt un avantage.

Hey cool…

“It’s not a bug, it’s a feature” :)

Love it.

So do we!

EFI SC PopGen WG Core meeting

On Tuesday 28 January 2014, the core of the WG on Population Genetics has met in Geneva. The report will be published in the next EFI Newsletter (June 2014).

New website in the making

We are in the process of redesigning our website, with the aim of integrating all the content from the various sites we link to in what we hope will be a more pleasant and efficient experience.

You’ll find the Gene[rate] programs under the Tools section, while most of the COST Action BM0803 material is reorganized in the Projects section.

All this is very much undergoing work, so please bear with us if something appears missing or broken, we’re actively working on it.

Comments and suggestions welcome.